The Raven Cycle Book Tag

Hey everyone! I love book tags, especially when they are inspired by books that I love! The lovely blogger @ Inside my Library Mind created this super cool Raven Cycle inspired book tag, and I was lucky enough to be tagged in it. Sadly, I am yet to finish the series (One more book left!) but I already love it and I can tell you that the hype is well deserved. Now, onto the tag!

Also I love how she included quotes in her tag because quotes are honestly the best part of reading and this series is so quotable but anyways. 

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  1. Mention the creator in your post
  2. Thank the person who tagged you
  3. If you want to use the creator’s graphics (check the link to her blog), just make sure to give credit! And you should, they’re gorgeous and fit the book really well even though I’m not for some reason.
  4. Be sure to include the rules in your post
  5. Tag more people so we can all enjoy it!
  6. And most importantly… HAVE FUN!

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Blue Sargent: Your Favorite Quirky Character

“Blue was a fanciful, but sensible thing. Like a platypus, or one of those sandwiches that had been cut into circles for a fancy tea party.”

So I just finished this book, which is why it’s probably on my mind, but Lola Noland from Lola and the Boy Next Door is so comfortable in her own skin doesn’t care what others think. I mean, she creates these elaborate costumes for everyday wear (for example, she once dressed as a strawberry) and owns so many different wigs. That’s pretty quirky, but awesome.

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Gansey: A Leader

“Gansey was just a guy with a lot of stuff and a hole inside him that chewed away more of his heart every year.”

For this choice, I’m going with Finn from the Starbound Trilogy. Similarly to Gansey, he’s a leader before he even realizes it, but he really has a skill. He’s always thought his sister was the leader, but everyone else can see he’s special, and in the trilogy, he rallies the people and is the glue that holds the group together.

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Ronan Lynch: Your Favorite Character of All Time

“I am being perfectly fucking civil.”

I can’t pick just one! What type of torture is that? I’m going to attempt to give a *SHORT* list of the first characters that come to mind.

  • Paige Hancock from The Start of Me and You
  • Etienne St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss
  • Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables
  • Lara Jean from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
  • Peter Kavinsky from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
  • Molly from The Upside of Unrequited
  • Sofia Quinn from The Starbound Trilogy

And tons more that I forgot and I’m hurting just thinking about. Honestly, it’d be easier to ask me who my least favorite characters are.

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Adam Parrish: A Character You Disliked at First but Love Now

“If you combined these two things – the unfathomable and the practical – you were most of the way to understanding Adam Parrish.”

Umm, can I say Adam Parrish? Lol. But actually my second choice would be the father in I’ll Give You the Sun. Did they ever tell us his name? It took me until the end of the book to actually love him, because in the beginning he was cruel and such an absentee father, but at the end, when he actually tries, he really is lovable.

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Noah Czerny: The Most Lovable Character

“Depending on where you began the story, it was about Noah Czerny.”

I have to go with Fred and George Weasley for this one. They are goofy, loyal, and brave, and anytime they were on the page I cracked up laughing. Also, when a character goes through heartbreak I think it makes them more lovable, and my heart still breaks whenever I think about them.

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The Women of 300 Fox Way: Your Favorite Female Role Model

“ You could ask anyone: 300 Fox Way, Henrietta, Virginia, was the place to go for the spiritual, the unseen, the mysterious, and the yet-to-occur. ”

So I actually wrote an entire essay on this, but most of my role models actually are book characters, and most of the books I read end up producing a role model for me, even if it is only for one character trait they possess. So I am going to go with my first female role model, which was Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. I loved how she was smart, competitive, fiery, and loyal and protective.

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The Search for Glendower: A Book Series You Wish Had Never or Will Never End

“He was everything Gansey wished he could be: wise and brave, sure of his path, touched by the supernatural, respected by all, survived by his legacy.”

The To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy. I love all these characters and their relationships with each other. Honestly, Jenny Han can write an entire book about Lara Jean brushing her hair and I’d give it five stars.

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Mr. Gray: An Anti-Hero

“There aren’t terrible ideas. Just ideas done terribly.”

Stealing her answer, I have to go with Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows. Even though I don’t totally think he is a good guy, he definitely is better than he first appears, and you can’t help rooting for him even though he does some horrible things.

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Psychics and Tarot Cards: Your Favorite Magic System

“It was impossible to forget that all of these women were plugged into the past and tapped into the future, connected to everything in the world and to one another.”

The Harry Potter magic system. Even though some people think J.K is just milking her fame by writing all these “unnecessary” information books, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of learning more about how their world works.

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Kavinsky: Your Favorite Unlikeable Character

“Reality’s what other people dream for you.” 

Ugh, I hate Kavinsky. He always gave me the creeps. I hate to pass on a question, but I just cannot think of an unlikeable character that I also kinda loved. If I ever dislike a character, it’s pretty strongly.

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Cabeswater: Your Favorite Book Setting

“Cabeswater was such a good listener.”

This one stumped me, but I was determined to find an answer. Besides the cliche Hogwarts answer, I decided on the Gallagher Girls Academy. All the hidden staircases, passageways and rooms made it so exciting as a middle schooler. Also, it felt as much a part of the story as the characters did, and I understood the students’ desire to protect it.

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And I Tag:

Jenna @ Bookmark Your Thoughts// Krysti @ YA and Wine// Ryann @ Ryann the Reader// Sydney @ Sydney’s Shelves// Analee @ Book Snacks// Beth @ Reading Every Night

And you…if you’re interested! As always, don’t feel any pressure to participate in the tag if you don’t want to 🙂

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7 thoughts on “The Raven Cycle Book Tag

  1. Beth (Reading Every Night) says:

    Oh thanks so much for the tag Sydney. I am a huge fan of The Raven Cycle series so I can’t wait to get around to this one myself, and I love how you included quotes with each question from the series, I may have to do that myself as well. 😀
    Also great answers, I could never choose just one favourite character so I’ll probably have a list like you did, and oh Kaz is a perfect character for the anti-hero too. I do have a different character in mind for my answer to that question though. 🙂
    Again thanks for the tag! 😀 ❤

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